
Во кујна

Надградете ја вашата кујна со најсовремен систем за филтрирање на вода, осигурувајќи се дека секоја голтка и секое јадење се сервира со најчиста, кристално чиста вода.


Низ цела куќа

Претворете го вашиот дом во рај за чисто живеење со висококвалитетен филтер за вода, обезбедувајќи му на вашето семејство чиста и освежителна вода директно од чешмата.


Посебен уред

Надградете го вашиот фрижидер со врвен филтер за вода, давајќи остра и разладена вода со секоја чаша, елиминирајќи ја потребата од флаширана вода.


Schedule a free in-home water test

Contact your local water tester today.

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Why Us

Protect your family with one of the best water filtering system

We produce high-tech solutions in the field of water purification that meet the most stringent quality standards and customer requirements. Purification is carried out with the help of innovative developments of the brand.

Why choose Us

Protect your family with one of the best water filtering system

We produce high-tech solutions in the field of water purification that meet the most stringent quality standards and customer requirements. Purification is carried out with the help of innovative developments of the brand.

Call us 24/7

All products that we are offering can be found in our catalogue.


Customers about us

“We are very impressed by the quality and service offered by Energy Water and we highly recommend them in every home.”

Hotel Ramada Plaza Gevgelija

Gevgelija, North Macedonia

“I recommend this company not just as a friendly service, but also, because of the quality products and the best water purification system. “

Union Ing

Gevgelija, North Macedonia
Why choose us

More than 1,000 families choose us for their homes

When it comes to providing pure water for
their homes When it comes to providing pure water for your family, nothing but the best will be done.

choose efficiency

We transform ordinary tap water into clean

removes lead and asbestos
removes chlorine, chloramines
removes scale
choose efficiency

We transform ordinary tap water into clean

removes lead and asbestos
removes chlorine, chloramines
removes scale
frequently asked questions

Our team is looking forward to your questions.

We answer them in the same order in which we received them

What is reverse osmosis and how does the system function?
Reverse osmosis membrane water filter is a multi-stage water purification system designed to purify city / well water to the highest standards. Reverse osmosis systems in drinking water purification technology remove 96-99% of all dissolved minerals and chemical contaminants from the water. Reverse osmosis gives better quality than the purest bottled water, mounted directly on your sink and purified from your plumbing several hundred times –all this for a lower price than bottled water.

What removes reverse osmosis?
Reverse osmosis removes arsenic, lead, copper, nintari and nitrites, chromium, selenium, fluoride, radium, barium, cadmium, cyst and total dissolved solids (TDS)

How long does reverse osmosis service take?
Service is done every 1 year.

Where is the reverse osmosis system most often installed and how much space does it take up?
It is usually installed under the sink in the kitchen and is practical
Dimensions: 45cm wide, 15cmx45cm, tank 29.50cmx22cm

How much water can reverse osmosis produce per day?
The system produces 8 liters per 45 minutes.

Contribute to the preservation of our planet

Save your pocket, like our Planet: dramatically reduce costs by switching from bottled water to a home water purifier and reduce the impact of water on the environment

Contact Us

It's Time to Protect Your Family

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