Реверзна осмоза 6 фази без пумпа

Reverse osmosis with 6 stages, tank and faucet. It has 3 prefilters (polypropylene filter 10″ – 1μm, granulated activated carbon 10″, solid activated carbon 10″ – 5μm), membrane 50GPD, in line filter with granulated activated carbon for improving water’s taste and odor, in line mineral filter which enriches water with elements such as calcium and magnesium that are necessary for human body
• Removes solid particles and sediments (sand, rust, dirt, mud)
• 99% clorine removal, it’s derivatives and organic substances andesticides
• It has 3 prefilters for better membrane’s protection in order to increase its lifetime
• The membrane removes contaminants that may be present in your water, such as lead, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate and selenium
• Ideal option in cases that we have increased water consumption e.g. espresso coffee makers, cafes
• The package includes: filters set, whrench and all accessories that are important for the connection

